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WISPS offers every year  the AHGBI-WISPS Dorothy Sherman-Severin Research Fellowship for Early-Career Researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies 


The Fellowship was established in 2006 and first awarded in 2007. It is designed to address the needs of talented UK- or Irish-based early-career researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies (broadly understood) who plan on pursuing an academic career in this area.

2021-2022 Awardee

Dr Lourdes Parra Lazcano, University of Aberdeen 


Are plants healers too? The relationship of Mexican traditional healers and medicinal plants


Her project aims to answer the following research question: how do female healers establish relationships with medicinal plants in Cuernavaca, Mexico? The objectives will be in relation to the way healers grow medicinal gardens, the teachings that they have received in relation to plants, and the healing rituals in which they participate. This project focuses on how plants contribute to the treatment of diseases and also to the interpersonal bonds that hold communities together. This Fellowship will provide the funds required to access the healers, medicinal gardens, conferences, and a workshop.



1. Applicants will normally be current members of either AHGBI or WISPS.

2. Applicants will normally have been awarded their doctorate in Luso-Hispanic Studies (broadly understood) within the last three years.

3. Applicants will normally be employed on a full- or part-time basis in a UK or Irish Higher Education Institution. Priority may be given to candidates in smaller departments at teaching-intensive universities.

4. The scheme is not designed to support academic staff whose development as researchers has already been supported through institutional sabbaticals and other major sources of funding.


Details of the Award

1.- The Fellowship will be tenable from 30 September of year 1 to 1 October of year 2.

2.- The successful candidate will receive financial support of up to £1000 during the year of the award plus a programme of structured support and mentoring.

3.- The successful candidate’s progress will be supported by a mentor chosen in consultation with the Selection Committee.

4.- The Fellow will be expected to offer at least one conference paper based on research undertaken for the Fellowship at either the annual conference of AHGBI or WISPS. A bursary of up to £350 will be available for attending the AHGBI conference. If the winner wishes to attend the WISPS conference, they may apply for the competitive WISPS conference bursary separately.

5.- The Fellow will be expected to submit at least one article to a peer-reviewed scholarly journal within a year of completing the Fellowship.

6.- On completion of the Fellowship, the Fellow will be required to submit a detailed report on the progress achieved, including a supporting statement from the mentor. Copies of receipts for expenditure should be submitted by the same date together with an interim report outlining research undertaken to that date.



Applications are due at the end of May every year and should be submitted by the candidate’s referee. Applicants should complete the relevant form according to the Guidelines; additionally, a separate CV (one page of A4 maximum) should be attached in Word or PDF format. Applications will be considered by a selection committee made up of members of the Executive Committees of AHGBI and WISPS.

Enquiries may be addressed to the Chair of the Selection Committee, Dr Arantza Mayo:


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